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“I Can Handle This” – Transforming Overwhelm – Special Training

  • Transforming Overwhelm Training
     April 12, 2024
     6:30 pm - 8:45 pm

It is going to be such a special nigh!

We will encourage, inspire, and evolve our understanding of overwhelm together… share a moment on your journey and expand your emotional capacities!

There will be laughter, chocolate, activities, and, as always at Reverence Events, the potential to explore our emotional lives from a more expanded perspective.

When we “handle” our overwhelm skillfully, we can stay more connected and aligned with our unique soul’s purpose for serving and healing during this lifetime.

Having an authentic and effective tool kit to draw upon during times of duress is essential, and even though we are focusing on overwhelm specifically in the session, the power of these tools can be extrapolated into many areas of our lives.

We will explore and experience tools that include:

  • Enhancing our capacity to handle the sensations associated with difficult emotions so we can maintain clear vision.
  • Deliberately and skillfully cultivating self-compassion in order to bring our mind and body back into balance
  • And…exploring “power phrases” that act as an energetic disruptor when we are “in the weeds.”

We can wait to see you!


What we have noticed over time is that this complex (and personal) physiological, mental, and emotional reaction state can literally “knee-cap” our capacity to stay on mission. One client/friend called overwhelm her “kryptonite.” This was the substance that weakened Superman whenever he was near it.

When we have to bail out for a period of time because of any level of overwhelm, it takes us precious time and energy to re-group and get back on track in sharing our valuable (and much-needed) gifts with the world.

Whether this is high level overwhelm  – when we have “dropped” (gone into a curled-up self-pitiful collapse) or “popped” (become so flustered and irritated that we can’t think straight or respond kindly),  or much milder overwhelm, it still takes its toll and can be very frustrating.

Our world needs every deep heart on board in assisting with the positive evolution of how we express our humanity, in caring for those in need with full energy and compassion, and in bringing about regeneration and a new, more interconnected relationship to our planet. Pronto!


Heart Intelligence Training - HeartMath Perth



To do this, we need YOU on your game—calm, composed, connected with your spirit, and full of good juju and passion.

With the increased pace of our technological environment, political and environmental stressors, and being immersed in an extractive capitalist and fear-mongering society, it is NORMAL to experience more overwhelm. You are definitely not alone. I am convinced that you will already be doing a better job and making more of a difference than you give yourself credit for…

AND…this doesn’t mean we also can’t evolve our capacity to navigate this new terrain with more mastery and be brighter beacons of light for others also committed to a healthier way of being in the world.

We want to help you up-skill so you can remain engaged in living your life aligned with your greater mission—self-aware and kindly responsive, connected to your deeper care for others’, the power in your projects, and your innate capacities and skills.

In other words, we want you to come away from working with us saying, “I can handle this!”


Reverence Events Perth - Overwhelm Training


Willow and I are well versed in the process of getting overwhelmed and have been working with the best tools, understandings, and insights available over the past 16 years together.

We will be distilling the cream of what we have most successfully worked with (with ourselves and all our 1:1 clients over the past decade) and sharing it in this power session.


So, if you are struggling to get on top of your response to overwhelm, please join us (and your fellow deep-hearted and inspiring community) on Friday evening, March 15th, for a powerful, insightful, and playful session!



During the session, we will teach you a whole new way of relating to overwhelm so you can stay on track more of the time and get back on track more quickly and kindly.


  • We will dissect and re-define what overwhelm really is for YOU and why, in essence, it is a normal response to the current cultural “soup” we are floating in right now


  • We will get real about what to do and when, while in the throes of an overwhelm “pop” or “drop”


  • We will go into detail about what it takes to kindly take charge of yourself and how to do that practically


  • We will look into how to become more aware of and transmute ingrained attitudes that are leading you into an overwhelmed state


  • Give you tools to lower your overall baseline level of nervous system arousal so you don’t get overwhelmed as often


  • Hear some inspiring stories, enjoy a cuppa, and of course, chocolate (no Reverence Events training is complete without cacao!)


What better way to spend a Friday evening!? Inspiration, care, and positive transformation! Bring it on!


Willow and I very much look forward to seeing you there!


Big love, Catherine


Cancellation Policy – This ticket is refundable or transferrable (minus the Square processing fee if you pay by credit card) up until 7 days prior to the event.


Venue:   Reverence Events HQ - Hilton

Reverence Events HQ Hilton, Hilton, Western Australia, 6163, Australia


Hilton, WA

* Address details will be sent prior to the event.

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