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Reverence Ceremonial Cacao Recipe

Best Ceremonial Cacao Perth

Ingredients – Makes one serve

240 mls of water, almond milk or non-dairy milk of your choice. We generally use just good quality water

* see notes below on making your own nut milk

20 – 40 grams of Reverence Cacao Paste cut into small pieces or grated (start with 20 grams and see how you feel after consuming this quantity of cacao)

1 – 2 tbsp Agave, honey or other natural sweetener of your choice

1/4 tsp of Vanilla Bean Powder 

1/4 tsp of Cinnamon Powder (optional)

Small grate of a Nutmeg (or pinch of Nutmeg Powder, optional) 


  1. Warm your nut milk to approximately 46 degrees celcius
  2. Add your Reverence Ceremonial Cacao Paste to the liquid and let it melt (you can whisk it to facilitate this process)
  3. Add your other ingredients and whisk together. Use a stick blender if possible to ensure your drink is extra smooth and creamy
  4. Take a moment to appreciate your drink before slowly and deliberately enjoying your Cacao

Making your own Nut Milk for your Cacao Drink 

Our suggestion is to place your 240mls of water, 50g pre-soaked almonds (soak overnight) and 1 tbsp of Goji Berries into a saucepan and warm to approx. 46 degrees. 

Then transfer the mix into a blender and blend until smooth. Strain using a nut milk bag (or fine mesh) back into the saucepan and then follow the recipe from step 2. 

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