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Spiritual Care Sessions

All of us at times find ourselves in unexpected sadness, confusion, or self-doubt. 

I offer you a space of refuge and support to regroup and find solace and care in the midst of this moment in your life…

Spiritual Care Sessions with Catherine Francis


When we are in a moment of suffering, or a time of suffering, we can feel a disconnection from the sacred aspect of our being. I can support your journey back to this connection.


Welcome, I am glad you have found me.

My name is Catherine, a spiritual care practitioner. 

What is spirituality? It is the aspect of humanity that refers to the way we seek, express, and commit to meaning, purpose, and service, and the way we experience our connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant or sacred. 

When we are in a moment of suffering, or a time of suffering, which is inherent in living a human life, we can feel a disconnection from this sacred aspect of our being. 

Perhaps feeling a bit lost, questioning our purpose, feeling tired, disillusioned or not up to the sacred task we feel is our to complete.

It may feel like our inner fire is closer to an ember and could benefit from some nurturing.

The arrival of a time of undergoing, and subsequently how it unfolds and integrates into our soul’s journey is, of course, up to an organising power far greater than that of us mere mortals. 

However, it can be very helpful to have someone kind by your side for a time—someone whose only agenda is seeing YOU, without judgement and helping you to attend to your inner fire in ways that are meaningful to you. 

Whether that is through deep listening, exploring new perspectives, laughter, taking you through some supportive processes that nurture or provide clarity, teaching a new tool, or pointing you towards other practical supports, that’s what we will gently explore together.

No matter what you are facing, you will be honoured for who you are and where you are right now.

If this is just what you need, you can book a 1-hour session right away using the link to my calendar below.

I am located in Hilton, Western Australia, but I can offer a Zoom session if you are unable to attend in person.

I look forward to joining you for a time on your path.

With warmest regards, 


Working with Catherine’s support allowed me to navigate through some treacherous waters with the sense that I was held in safe arms. This support came through her unwavering presence and dedicated commitment. She has a big heart and an inner strength. These two qualities come together beautifully to create a space that is loving, steady, and secure – Jane B

Imagine this...


You are walking down a narrow path through a dense forest. It is dark. 

Thorns scratch your skin, and blisters rub raw in your shoes. There is no inn or suitable camp site in view.

You are exhausted, scared, and rushing.

Then you see a little opening just off to the left of your path. 

A deep, still, clear pool of water is being fed by a gentle waterfall. 

The tree canopy is clear over this pool and over the smooth, large rocks surrounding it. 

Late afternoon light streams down into this warm, quiet, open space.

You sit and rest. 

Take a deep breath, drink from the cool water in the pool, air out, stretch your feet, close your eyes for a moment, and feel refreshed.

Perhaps you even experience some magic here…

A first-aid kit appears, and you dress your wounds.

A simple map appears and points you towards suitable accommodation.

A thought emerges in this tranquil place, and you remember why you were walking down this path in the first place, and it gives you the impetus to keep going.

Or you are taken by the hand by a wise aspect of yourself, and you find yourself rising up above the forest and looking down at the terrain from a more elevated perspective. “Ah, this is where I need to go next,” you exclaim.

We all experience times, or even moments, where we can relate to this kind of story metaphorically. It is a normal part of being human.

During these times, it can be helpful to have an ally by your side for a time whose sole agenda is to be with you and for you.

This might be me…

Spiritual Care

I have known Catherine as a friend and colleague for over a decade. She is well grounded, kind, thoughtful and a delight to spend time with. She is professional and holds herself with dignity and sound morals. She is honest, encouraging and thoughtful in her manner and especially in working with others. She has the ability to remain true to herself while fitting into any situation she is in. Be that with working with mature aged people or with teenagers; needing to be quiet and thoughtful or lively and engaging. She does everything with a big open heart and beautiful smile – Lisa P

A bit about me

I began my career as a community-based physiotherapist for children with a disability and their families and extended networks. Working in interdisciplinary teams (with social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists and speech therapists), my main focus was offering support that assisted families in a whole of life way.

Over time, I found that the world-view and scope of support as a physio was too narrow. 

In 2008, at a critical “dark night of the soul” (St John of the Cross term) moment, I decided to stop practicing physiotherapy altogether. 

Magically, at this time, I was also fortunate enough to meet my beloved, Willow Francis. The depth of our love, spiritual connection  and desire to serve the greater good drove us to ever more deeply embracing spirituality into our own lives. This has included now many committed years of personal growth, mystical and awakening experiences and working to share the fruits of our evolution with thousands of people.

I have been a certified HeartMath coach since 2013, am certified in Mental Health First Aid and have a certificate in Chaplaincy, Pastoral and Spiritual Care. In 2024, I have now begun a Diploma in Chaplaincy.

What is Chaplaincy? Broadly speaking, it is a kind of counseling that has the intention of providing presence and care to support and assist people in the midst of their lives, no matter what they are facing.

Catherine Francis - Reverence Events

What is the cost of a session?


Sessions are generally an hour, and the monetary contribution for the session varies depending on your financial resources.

Once you book in for the session, you will be asked to transfer a minimum amount that is approx. 0.001% of your annual net income.

So, for example, if you earn $50,000 per year, it will be $50.

If you earn $100,000 per year, it will be $100….

This allows those who are more financial resourced to contribute in a way that facilitates those that have less to also afford this support.

This is based on an honour system. I will not be asking for your income statement!!

Perth Meditation Reverence Events

Frequently Asked Questions

Really, if you read what is on this page and you get an internal ‘yes’ or sense of relief, then this is for you 🙂

No. I don’t follow a specific religious doctrine, it is about invoking the sacred and deeper connection in ways that are genuine and appropriate for you. Having said that, if you bring a religious background, we can connect there too.

Yes, please don’t hesitate to send me an email :

No, we can do a Zoom, or even phone session if needed…although I DO like to make cups of tea 🙂

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