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Ingredients – Makes one serve
240 mls of water, almond milk or non-dairy milk of your choice. We generally use just good quality water
* see notes below on making your own nut milk
20 – 40 grams of Reverence Cacao Paste cut into small pieces or grated (start with 20 grams and see how you feel after consuming this quantity of cacao)
1 – 2 tbsp Agave, honey or other natural sweetener of your choice
1/4 tsp of Vanilla Bean Powder
1/4 tsp of Cinnamon Powder (optional)
Small grate of a Nutmeg (or pinch of Nutmeg Powder, optional)
Making your own Nut Milk for your Cacao Drink
Our suggestion is to place your 240mls of water, 50g pre-soaked almonds (soak overnight) and 1 tbsp of Goji Berries into a saucepan and warm to approx. 46 degrees.
Then transfer the mix into a blender and blend until smooth. Strain using a nut milk bag (or fine mesh) back into the saucepan and then follow the recipe from step 2.